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The Body Politic did in fact print directed the removal of the "imand circulate obscene material, primi potest" or Church percharges that originally stemmed mission to publish from future from the January raid on the editions of his book....April 22nd newspaper's offices....Did you is the third anniversary party for hear about the article in the Los the Water Main in Piqua; Angeles Times quoting excerpts featured will be the third annual from a special Los Angeles staff show with Robert Green, Police Department internal Earl Byrd, Fred Werling and "briefing paper" that stated that male leads Sandy Cloud, Dennis "homosexuals, as an organized Wall, Craig Malone and guest group, pose a serious threat to stars Bob Sattersfield, Tim the welfare and safety of the Yoder and Sherman Stem ... if citizens of Los Angeles"? one of those don't catch you, Funny, I don't feel as if I'm a then mister, you must be threat to anyone, let alone the dead!...Attention female imperpeople of Los Angeles. I'd bet sonators! Producers for Bette that the gays in Los Angeles Midler's upcoming film about a don't even feel they're Janis Joplin type singer, threatening anyone...and ac"Rose," are searching the councording to a recent nationwide try for just the right people to survey by Louis Harris, 55% of star in the film...female imperthose interviewed believe gay sonators, of course...Bet you men and women face the missed this one in Cologne, greatest amount of discriminaGermany, police are looking for tion....Now if they would only do the "Red Zora," or the something about it!...."The Anequivalent of "Zorro," but nual Appeal for Catholic female, who is robbing sex Charities and Education" sponshops and leaving leaflets sored by the New York Roman saying that she is "the avenger Catholic Archdiocese has been of the oppressed." One leaflet given stiff opposition by the included this, "What is Coalition for Lesbian and Gay described as love today is Rights in New York who claimed nothing more than the that any charitable condomination of women by tribution(s) made to or through men.....The pornographers want the archdiocese will be used by to use our bodies to make their the church to suppress gay profits." I wonder how long it rights in New York City. Fr. Leo will be before someone picks up M. Joseph of the Church of the on the idea and makes a TV Beloved Disciple and show out of it.... In the first such spokesperson for CLR urged all move by any member of the Catholics-gay and straight-French Parliament, Senator to make direct donations to Henry Caillavet has proposed social agencies and civil rights legalizing homosexual relations groups of their own throughout France...Oklahoma choice...Beware, Clevelanders! House Representative John Our time will come!....WoodMonks, has introduced a bill in stock, New York, town board is that government body that investigating a gay rights or would permit school boards to dinance proposed by the Woodfire or refuse to employ persons stock Gay People; presently who have engaged in "public they are discussing the homosexual conduct." The bill legalities of the issue and will be now goes to the Oklahoma hiring an attorney to draft the Senate for consideration while necessary legislation....on at the Oklahoma State UniverFebruary 21, military honor sity, Dr. Dennis Middlemist guard detachments at the White used a hidden peroHouse were opened to women. scope to observe 60 All branches of the services will, men using a men's room. Yes, be invited to provide women for (believe it or not), "he conthe White House honor guards.: cluded that men need more One Pentagon official said that privacy in public restrooms, and this was due to direct pressure being too close while, uh, doing from First Lady Rosalynn Carwhat one does in a restroom can ter.....the first woman ordained 'cause anxiety or stress and in the American Lutheran result in physical and emotional Church, the Reverend Barbara problems'. "No, I did not make Andrews, died in a fire in her this one up! Thank you, Gay home in Detroit. A paraplegic, Life, you said it better than I she was unable to escape the ever could. I just wonder if the electrically-caused flames...the people of Oklahoma know just Women's Music Union in what is really going Columbus is sponsoring Willy on?....Diahnne Abbot (from Tyson a musician, singer, "New York, New York") is consongwriter, and storyteller at the sidered the prime candidate for Hillel Foundation on 46 East the lead in the film version of the 16th Avenue in Columbus on life of Josephine Baker, the Saturday, April 15, at 8:30 primadonna of Paris in the '20's. PM....The text of the letter sent Of course, you know who she to Father Pedro Arrupe, Jesuit bumped off none other than superior-general, was released Diana Ross and Diahann last week. The letter ordered Carroll. Quite a coup, to say the Father John J. McNeill (as least....United Airlines has apauthor of "The Church and the pointed their first female pilot, Homosexual") to stop making Gail Gorski of Prospect, Kenpublic statements, in word or in .tucky. Congratulations, Gail and

print on homosexuality and smooth sailing. And then there

was the judge in Hawaii wo tossed out the rape case because the victim did not resist the supposed attacker enough. She had only been hit by a car immediately prior to that.... The award for best actor at the 28th Berlin Film Festival was Craig Russell of Canada for his role in the film "Outrageous" as a homosexual hairdresser...Any guesses why he was not considered for the Academy Award in the same category?...In the April 2nd Plain Dealer, Emerson Batdorff reviewed Montgomery Clift: A Biography, by Patricia Bosworth and had these words to say: "He was what might be called ambisextrous. He preferred girls early in life and men later. He (Clift) had a great fear of getting caught in male liaisons. In those days, the scandal would have ruined his career. Today it wouldn't matter. Some rock entertainers become successful by professing homosexuality instead of demonstrating talent." Mark Tours of San Francisco is one of many tourist agencies that is abandoning plans for tours of Canada in 1978, due to the raid of The Body Politic in January. We urge you to change any plans you might have for travel in Canada in the immediate future...There goes the neighborhood....Anita announced recently that God has directed her "to establish a number of 'Anita Bryant Centers' across the country where 'drug addicts, homosexuals, pregnant girls and lesbians' can have their spiritual needs met." (The Body Politic) If you asked me, she is just trying to recoup some of that money she lost with her lack of support and credibility in her recent campaigns. Just which almighty are you talking about, Anita?....The Greek government is looking into the possibilities of a law(s) against gays. First offenders would be imprisoned for a year, while second-timers would be deported. What a way to go...Pope Paul has dropped charges against French author Roger Pevrefitte, who accused Paul of being a homosexual. Well, with all those long dresses, what are we to believe?....DINAH, a publication of the Lesbian Activist Bureau, Inc. of Cincinnati, is out once again! DINAH will be published monthly, and then each quarter, she will be expanded to include creative prose, political discussion, educational pieces, and book reviews. All copy, news items, and announcements must be submitted by the third Thursday of each month. Mail to LAB, P.O. Box 2457, Cincinnati, OH 45224. Any women wanting to help, phone Wendy at 513541-5132. Welcome back DINAH. Ohio missed you......

Carroll T. Dozier, Catholic Bishop of Memphis, Tenn. said on television recently that it is his belief that "gay rights is a human rights problem" and


"The Madness of the Male Role" will be held at the University Center Building at Cleveland State University on May 6; this daylong conference from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. will consist of workshops, planshops, and playshops regarding men's roles and men's needs --for more information, contact James Leehan, Chairperson of the Male Concerns Committee....San Francisco's Gay Freedom Day Committee will be organizing a Gay Freedom Day Parade and Celebration on June 25. Last year's parade and celebration attracted more than 375,000 participants....How do you like that for activism?....So if you're out that way, please do; What's the old saying? The more the merrier, or is it the gayer?... Artistic Director Vincent Dowling announced that the Cleveland premiere of John Gay's POLLY will open the 1978 Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival repertory season on July 7, rather than Shakespeare's TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA, as had been originally scheduled. Direct from the National Theatre of London, THE NINE DAYS WONDER OF WILL KEMP will open August 15, for one week only

replacing MY ASTONISHING SELF, which had been cancelled due to scheduling problems. Opening dates for the remainder of the season are as follows: TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA on July 12, WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS on July 19, WILD OATS on August 2, and KING JOHN on August 23....the Canadian courts will decide on June 26 whether eventually back civil rights for gay people. The news item appearing in the Bay Area Reporter also quoted the controversial bishop as saying that the Vatican would someday recognize the ordination of women as priests.


There was a "revival meeting"


month presided over by orange juice huckster Anita Bryant. She told the audience that homosexual activists have dented her career-limiting her so far this year to a single booking. The former runner-up in the 1959 Miss American beauty pageant says that her show business career is apparently over.

...Undercover police have arrested 90 men who allegedly solicited sex in the men's room of the Boston Public Library. The Associated Press said that calls from library users who complained about being approached by homosexuals led to a crackdown which netted in 10 days of undercover work a college professor, assorted businessmen, schoolteachers, students and doctoral candidates. Most were charged with open and gross lewdness, but a few were also accused of prostitution...

...Craig Russell has been named best actor at the 28th Berlin Film Festival. Recognition was for his performance in the film "Outrageous." Gay Community News said that Russell's performance as a female impersonator in the wellreceived film was ignored by the Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the U.S., thus the film did not receive a nomination at this year's Academy Awards. The film is scheduled to be in the Cleveland area in the near future....

.. Mainely Gay, a monthly journal, suspended publication because "the long-time staff members... became 'burnt out,' exhausted from carrying the burden of responsibility imposed in publishing ... Notwithstanding the help of severa! other individuals, the bulk of the responsibility fell on one person's shoulders."

CONT'D ON PAGE 22 predicted that the Vatican would in Decatur,inois, late, last unus ANAR TREK MAD ESENÇADORA SAM KELA